Totally Rad Christmas!

‘80s Cartoons We Wish Had Christmas Episodes (w/ Jeff and CM Chuck)

Gerry D / Jeff Loftin, CM Chuck Season 6 Episode 306

What's up, dudes? CM Chuck from Just Another Friday Night and Jeff Loftin from Lost Christmas  join me to talk about '80s action cartoons we wish had Christmas episodes!  From Transformers to GoBots, from Voltron to M.A.S.K., these cartoons delivered action and adventure to the max! Unfortunately, they also left out the holiday cheer. 

Many of these cartoons were epic, leaving us wondering why they didn't include a Christmas themed episode. In fact, a few even had comic Christmas issues in the UK. We get into and pitch ideas for Transformers, Thundercats, M.A.S.K., COPS, TMNT, Voltron, Dungeons & Dragons, SilverHawks, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors, GoBots, Captain N, Visionaries, Thundarr, Inhumanoids, and Dino • Riders! And that's just to start with! There will definitely be future episodes on this topic.

Ice and snow episodes? Check. Other holiday themed episodes? Got 'em. '80s Christmas action? Nope. Not even a little. So grab your blaster, hop in your transforming vehicle, and fight along to this episode on '80s action cartoons we wish had Christmas episodes!

Just Another Friday Night
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Lost Christmas Podcast
FB: @LostChristmasPodcast
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